
Internationalization of PhD courses

The University of Turin cooperates with national and international, public and private institutions to promote and support students' and researchers' mobility.


UniTo promotes the internationalization of PhD courses through international PhD programmes, PhD in joint-supervision (co-tutelle de thèse) and international programmes for supporting the mobility of PhD students.

    International PhD programmes

    At the University of Turin there are presently 1 active international PhD programmes and 1international curriculum:

    PhD thesis "en co-tutelle" (doctorate in joint-supervision)

    PhDs en co-tutelle allow students to carry out their research projects both at the University of Turin and at an international university under the joint supervision of two experts in the subject of study (one at each university). On successful completion of the PhD course, the candidate will receive a dual award from each of the two institutions.


    Non-EU potential candidates should get informed in due time on the modalities to request a VISA for Italy. Thesy should follow the instructions provided either on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI) website or by the consular posts.


    In Italy doctoral students are considered as students. Consequently, incoming students from non UE areas should request a study permit rather than a research permit.

    Mobility Confap Italy – MCI (Italy-Brasil)

    Mobility Confap Italy - MCI (Italy-Brazil) is a project involving the Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa (CONFAP) and an Italian network of 22 universities which include UniTo. It is aimed to foster the mobility of doctoral and post-doctoral students (Visiting Scientists) between Italy and Brazil.


    Call 2025

    The call, aimed at young researchers from Brazil interested in a research period at a university within the MCI network, will expire on April 25th, 2025.


    In the meantime, it is possible to consult the open research positions offered by the network of Italian universities, including UniTo.

    China Scholarship Council (CSC)

    The Chinese government body Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) publishes an annual call for applications for scholarships to Chinese students interested in pursuing a PhD abroad.


    Every year, the University of Turin starts a pre-selection process for students who intend to enroll in a UniTo PhD program with a CSC scholarship.


    For further details: